UCCR Educators Scholarship: Peacebuilders of Tomorrow Award Recipient
Congratulations, and thank you for your contributions in promoting peace and leadership in youth!
Bryant Baird
Glendale Elementary School
Bryant Baird has worked as an educator for Salt Lake School Districtfor26 years. He has taught elementary students, K-6, and middle school, 6-8. He has also taught several adult ESL classes. He currently teaches math labs, College and Career Awareness and CTE. Bryant loves working with the diverse population at Glendale Middle School, which is an intake school for refugees in Salt Lake City. Many of his students have experienced conflict that is beyond their ability to comprehend. Bryant strives to make his classroom a safe place where all are welcome and where all can tell their stories. Bryant will use the scholarship funds to purchase quilting frames and quilting supplies for his classroom. Students design quilting blocks that tell their individual stories, and they love seeing them come together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. They learn how to contribute their unique ideas and perspectives on a shared project. They learn to listen and appreciate others’ stories and backgrounds. They make new friends, and they learn some basic sewing skills along the way. The quilts will be donated to local refugee agencies, the Homeless Youth Resource Center and Shriners Hospital.
How to Donate?
Mail donations payable to Utah Council on Conflict Resolution.
Utah Council on Conflict Resolution
P.O. Box 25221
SLC, UT 84125-0221