

United States District Court

United States District Court for the State of Utah – “Promote the rule of law, protect individual rights and liberties, and promote public trust and confidence by resolving disputes in a timely, efficient and courteous manner.” 

Utah State Courts

Utah State Courts – “The mission of the Utah Courts is to provide the people an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for the advancement of justice under the law.”

Utah State Bar

Utah State Bar – “To lead a society in the creation of a justice system that is understood, valued, respected, and accessible to all.”


Utah Dispute Resolution

Utah Dispute Resolution (UDR) is a private, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing mediation services and training on conflict resolution to residents in Utah. UDR uses trained, qualified volunteer mediators to provide services.

Mediation Tools for Practioners

The Mediation Alliance is a mediation and training institute led by Lee Jay Berman, an experienced mediator, arbitrator, and trainer located out of Los Angeles, CA



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